Published: August 28, 20242919PDF (Italiano): 257PDF: 199
Focus 1: Psychoanalysis of the Relationship
Paths in dialogue: on the tracks of a Subject in becoming
Published: August 28, 20242807PDF (Italiano): 359PDF: 195 -
Creativity in psychotherapy as a ‘co-reflexive dialogue between acting subjects’: a clinical and theoretical proposal
Published: August 28, 20242637PDF (Italiano): 257PDF: 185 -
Which configuration?
Published: August 28, 20242676PDF (Italiano): 266PDF: 190
Focus 2: Gender
Psychoanalytic trans-narratives
Published: August 28, 20242731PDF (Italiano): 392PDF: 271 -
Houses folded in on themselves A look at the development of sexual identity in adolescents and young adults in heteronormative families
Published: August 28, 20242609PDF ITA (Italiano): 223PDF ENG (Italiano): 184 -
The double ‘double bind’ of transgender persons and ways to overcome it
Published: August 28, 20242551PDF (Italiano): 224PDF: 231
The world of hysteria
Published: August 28, 20241385PDF (Italiano): 245PDF: 274
Case Reports
Taking care of suffering within a family
Published: August 28, 2024801PDF (Italiano): 258
Case Reports | Comments
Commentary on the clinical case presented in: Taking care of suffering within a family
Published: August 28, 2024559PDF (Italiano): 202 -
Case report commentary by Abbruzzese and Vincenti
Published: August 28, 2024569PDF (Italiano): 195 -
The systems approach: obstacles and resources in complexity
Published: August 28, 2024601PDF (Italiano): 291
Case Report | Reply
Reply to comments received
Published: August 28, 2024557PDF (Italiano): 206
Review of ‘Settant’anni tra psicoanalisi e dintorni. Dialoghi e interviste’ by Pier Francesco Galli
Published: August 28, 2024560PDF (Italiano): 207 -
Comment to the book ‘La terapia psicodinamica è efficace? Il dibattito e le evidenze empiriche’
Published: August 28, 2024566PDF (Italiano): 198 -
Loving subjects. The life of the couple from the honey of romantic love to the acid of declining desire and beyond by Giuseppe D’Amore
Published: August 28, 2024560PDF (Italiano): 199
Comment to the movie: Unless
Published: August 28, 2024533PDF (Italiano): 197 -
Psychoanalysis is a relationship. Cinema is a relationship. What is tennis? Commentary on the film Challengers
Published: August 28, 2024683PDF (Italiano): 253
The Network for Social Psychotherapy: the materialization of an idea
Published: August 28, 2024516PDF (Italiano): 220