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Published: August 28, 2024
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  • Mariacarmela Abbruzzese Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst SIPRe-IFPS; Founding member of the areaProspective Group and Family; Member of 'IL PRUNO Center for Family and Group Studies';Clinical Lecturer at the School of Specialization in Psychoanalysis of Relationship (SIPRe), Italy.
  • Enrico Vincenti Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst, SIPRe-IFPS Supervisor; Supervisor in Psychoanalysis of Group and Family Relationship. Member of 'IL PRUNO Center for Family and Group Studies'; Lecturer in Psychoanalytic Clinic at the Specialization inPsychoanalysis of Relationship (SIPRe), Italy.

Reading such rich and constructive criticism and comments made us particularly happy, because it ascertains the importance of exchange and confrontation as an asset for research based on in-depth and continuous study. [...]

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Abbruzzese, M., & Vincenti, E. (2024). Reply to comments received. Ricerca Psicoanalitica, 35(2).



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