Commentary on the clinical case presented in: Taking care of suffering within a family

Published: August 28, 2024
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  • Gianfranco Bruschi Psychologist and psychotherapist with Highly Specialized Appointment for Disorders ofNutrition and Nutrition, Azienda USL di Parma; adjunct lecturer at the Degree Course in Nursing at the University of Parma, lecturer at the School ofSpecialization in Integrated Systemic Psychotherapy IDIPSI, Parma, Italy.

Combining complexity and wholeness in a perspective in which human distress cannot be understood unless its connections are addressed, from a perspective in which the living being is in relationship with the environment in which he lives. The authors adopt here a perspective in which the suffering subject is seen as unique and connected to his world through forms of relationship.

A view in which the subject is not reduced to his or her diagnosis or pathology and where dysfunctionalities are understood as typical attempts by the individual to find solutions to discomforts, the best possible solutions at the stage in which they originated.[...]

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Bruschi, G. (2024). Commentary on the clinical case presented in: Taking care of suffering within a family. Ricerca Psicoanalitica, 35(2).



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