Review of 'On Sublimation. A journey of the fate of desire in theory and treatment'

by Rossella Valdrè

Published: April 10, 2024
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Rossella Valdrè's identity as a professional and scholar is defined not only by her many titles, but also by her familiarity with current international currents of psychoanalysis, particularly French, and the breadth of her interests. These, the source of numerous publications, range beyond psychoanalytic theory and clinical practice - of which she has vast and reliable knowledge - to cinema, poetry and art, animated by a lively apprehension for the fate of democratic institutions and of our civilisation, which she considers threatened today by the prevailing tendency to 'derive direct pleasure from the immediate consumption of objects', by the 'relativisation of truth' and by the fragmentation of identities due to the obsolescence of the Oedipus as the 'structuring function of the psyche'. [...]

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