Reflections against the light on politics and its feelings: comments on the article ‘Passion and tenderness as political forces’ by Jô Gondar

Published: December 19, 2023
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I have read and reread with great pleasure Jô Gondar’s contribution, La pasion y la ternura como fuerzas politicas, eagerly welcoming the signs of the unfolding of the political potential of psychoanalysis, which I have long hoped for. Gondar not only reflects on the nature of the bonds that sustain the whole of society, a subject I will return to shortly, but she herself creates bonds through the simple act of writing and reasoning about the things of the world, by relating voices from politics, philosophy, and psychoanalysis. [...]

Governo Italiano. (2023). Campagna di comunicazione “Lascia l’odio senza parole”. Disponibile da:

Save the Children. (2020). Dossier ‘Dai like alle piazze: giovani e partecipazione civica onlife’. 67% giovani segue cause sociali in rete. Disponibile da:,diritti%20dei%20minori%20(18%25)

Rodolfi, V. (2023). Reflections against the light on politics and its feelings: comments on the article ‘Passion and tenderness as political forces’ by Jô Gondar. Ricerca Psicoanalitica, 34(3).



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