The civil hearing of the juvenile court as an activator setting of intrapsychic and relational changes

Published: December 19, 2023
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The Italian juvenile courts make use of the contribution of external experts, which apply their skills and specializations in the activity they carry out during the hearings, in which both social and health services are heard, as well as minors and parents whose problems are the subject of intervention. This contribution is also provided during the Council Chambers, through which decisions concerning the solution of the needs and difficulties identified during the preliminary activity are made, being directed at both the Services and the citizens. This activity, held during the court hearings, often generates projective dynamics of the Ego-Superego type, which can prove useful in activating processes of change in those summoned to the hearing, if managed with awareness and shrewdness. This useful activating setting could be lost, or cause damage, following the modification of the civil process foreseen in the next few months, therefore a theoretical discussion and explanatory clinical cases of these dynamics are proposed.

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