The world of hysteria

Published: August 28, 2024
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In this work, I will present Freud’s great contribution not only to the fields of neuropathology, psychiatry, and medicine in general, but I will demonstrate how his clinical research has opened a new path to understanding psychopathology. I will look at some theories about the genesis of the symptoms of hysteria and describe Freud’s scientific journey, which opened up a new perspective and gradually led to the birth of psychoanalysis. An important contribution to this topic is the multiple code theory by V. Bucci, with its three distinct principles of organization of experience. The model is applied to clinical practice and determines treatment, so it is intended to explain and intervene in the world of hysteria. The Bucci model also has critical aspects and obvious repercussions that we will examine in this article. An important contribution is that of N. McWilliams, regarding histrionic personality disorder. The structural symptom takes its rightful place here in the explanation and treatment of psychopathology. In her work there is an important transition: she moves from an explanation of linear mono causality to multi-factorial randomness. Once you have read this article, you will understand that new contributions are needed in order to comprehend psychic processes, and in order to do this we need to re-interpret psychoanalytic theories.

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