The intersubjective approach in psychoanalytical work

Published: December 30, 2022
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  • Rosa Giuliana Benetti Psychologist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, Director, lecturer, supervisor and teaching analyst at the School of Specialisation in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy - Institute of Psychoanalytic Psychology in Brescia; SITPA and OPIFER member, Italy.
  • Giorgio Cavicchioli Psychologist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, Director, lecturer, supervisor and teaching analyst at the School of Specialisation in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy - Institute of Psychoanalytic Psycholo-gy in Brescia; Member SITPA, OPIFER, ASVEGRA, COIRAG, Italy.
  • Tiziana Scalvini Psychologist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, Institute Director and lecturer, supervisor and teaching analyst at the School of Specialisation in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy - Institute of Psy-choanalytic Psychology in Brescia; SITPA and OPIFER member, Italy.

The authors propose a theoretical and technical reflection on the main characteristics of an intersubjective approach to psychoanalytical work. After considering some of the main theoretical orientations that develop the intersubjective relational approach and identify its fundamental elements, the authors consider some of the consequences in terms of therapeutic action and thus of technique in clinical work. The theoretical metaphors of ‘field’, ‘intersubjective analytic third’ and ‘intersubjective co-construction’ are considered as fundamental referents of intersubjective developments in psychoanalytical work. In the context of the intersubjective orientation in psychoanalytic work, the relational frame theory and related notions, such as ‘emotional belief’, as well as its value for diagnostic reflection consistent with an intersubjective relational approach, are also referred to. Elements relating to open research areas on the aforementioned topics conclude the discussions in this article.

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