The dynamic recursive hologram for a topos of the relational in psychoanalysis

Published: December 30, 2022
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This paper puts forward the idea of an extraterritoriality of the Unconscious, or ectopia, meaning that the Unconscious is not entirely contained within the boundaries of individual space. Moreover, the interactive dynamic between the Unconscious of the analytic field and that of the individual field is described providing a framework related to interpsychic and transpsychic space-time. This space-time identifies both the synchronic and diachronic dimension of the contents and defences (qualities) present in the field. The subject’s ectopic space-time thus extends to form a common space-time shared with other subjects. This is the co-constructed aspect invoked by relational theories in psychoanalysis, in fact, as Webster states, integrated unity is the result of different units relating to each other in a new way. This shows in complex systems that do not present a simple, indivisible, elementary original unity, but a homogeneous nature when viewed from the perspective of the whole and a paradoxical, multiple and diversified unit when viewed from its parts. It is the necessary mind-body unity of relational systemics invoked by Gregory Bateson on which the new epistemology is based. The ‘Freudian topos’ of each subject is not only projected onto the group, but also assimilated into the topos of other subjects and contributes to building a shared/common space-time. The character of the Unconscious is thus ectopic, heterotopic, heterogeneous and polytopic; it shows not only in the intrapsychic but also in the other psychic space-times of the field. In this way the classical metapsychology of the individual apparatus is superseded as insufficient either to define the display of the qualities of the Unconscious or to identify its interactive nature.

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