Migration, Interculturality and Parenthood

Published: April 23, 2021
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This article takes a psychoanalytic approach to examining the phenomenon of migration together with those of interculturality and parenthood. The objective is to highlight the condition of vulnerability that characterizes migrants when they are facing the complex passage towards parenthood. The authors intend to present potential difficulties connected to migratory processes, especially with respect to the suffering that many women go through by leaving their country of origin and the physical and psychological violence that they are often forced to endure. The complex theme of migration is confronted with regard to aspects of integration and the relevant dynamics that characterize it. This is done within an epistemic vision of human beings, whereby every subject makes their own fragilities, resources and competences available for further human growth. The migratory passage, through the therapeutic journey, takes on dignity and consistency, allowing both of these to exist.

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