The Specificity of the Psychoanalytic Method

Published: February 5, 2021
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  • Michele Minolli Michele Minolli, was a psychologist and psychoanalyst, founder of the Italian Society of Relationship Psychoanalysis (SIPRe) and of the Journal Ricerca Psicoanalitica. Journal of the Relationship in Psychoanalysis. He is the author of numerous articles published in prestigious national and international journals and of several books on the Relationship Psychoanalysis, including: Studi di psicoterapia psicoanalitica [Studies in psychoanalytic psychotherapy] (CDP, 1993); Amarsi, amando. Per una psicoanalisi della relazione di coppia [Loving yourself, loving the other. For a psychoanalysis of the couple relationship] (Borla, 2007, with Romina Coin); Psicoanalisi della Relazione [Psychoanalysis of the Relationship] (Franco Angeli, 2009); Essere e Divenire. La sofferenza dell'individualismo [Being and Becoming. The suffering of individualism] (Franco Angeli, 2015); Che aspetti ad andartene? l'amore nella cultura iper-moderna [What are you waiting for to leave? Love in hyper-modern culture] (Alpes, 2016), Italy.

As theory and method are closely connected, the current unease toward the psychoanalytic theory involves also the method, and it is therefore necessary to deal with it. After a brief examination the various methods employed by Freud before he arrived at the psychoanalytic method, the methodological reflection of D. Rapaport is examined. The two major conclusions proposed are: i) The psychoanalysis, based on the historical-clinical method, is founded on positivistic and deterministic epistemic premises; ii) The psychoanalytic specificity of the interpersonal relationship taken to its extreme consequences leads to the absolutization of the verbalization, giving rise to solipsism. As an alternative, the author suggests adopting a method called observation of the relationship which places the psychoanalyst both inside and outside the relational system and which, thanks to parameters which are inferred from the structuration of the field, justifies a metareading of the relationship (interpretation).

First published in Ricerca Psicoanalitica (1990), 1(1), pp. 23-38 and here again proposed in this focus dedicated to Michele Minolli.

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Minolli, M. (2021). The Specificity of the Psychoanalytic Method. Ricerca Psicoanalitica, 31(3).



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