We, the Children of COVID. Pregnancy in the Pandemic, as a Pandemic

Published: April 23, 2021
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  • Licia Lietti Psychiatrist and psychotherapist. Collaborator of Punto Raf, Milan and member of the Perinatal Area, SIPRe Milan, Italy. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3196-9466
  • Greta Petrilli PhD, Psychologist- Psychotherapist; Member of Area Perinatale-SIPRe Milano; Executive Psychologist at Psychiatry Unit- "Varenna" outpatient service for Perinatal Mental Heatlh, ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo, Italy. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8174-8886
  • Claudia Maspero Psychology and developmental Psychotherapist; Perinatal Area, SIPRe Milan, Italy.
  • Valeria Pirro Clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, member of Area Perinatale SIPRe Milano, ASST BRIANZA Ospedale di Vimercate UOSD Psicologia Clinica c/o Centro Diurno Bernareggio UOC Psichiatria, Italy. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2494-8894
  • Marcello Florita Psychotherapist and psychanalyst of SIPRe is the author of two essays on psychoanalysis, "l'intreccio" and "Alice il porcospino e il fenicottero"; he is also curator of the volume "Benessere e cura nell'esperienza perinatale" edited by the Order of Psychologists in Lombardy. He has written a novel, "Come respira una piuma". He has long been a collaborator of Punto Raf and member of SIPRe, referent for the Perinatal Area in SIPRe Milan, and scientific director of the Course on Perinatal Care, Italy. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8602-4403

We were inspired to write this article while conducting parenting support groups in the Perinatal Area of SIPRe Milan"s during the first COVID-19 lockdown. Our aim is to share thoughts about the experience of becoming parents during the outbreak of the pandemic. To this end we examined some common themes, such as the effort required to process and deal with the initial paralysis of thoughts concerning parenthood; we also observed how the pandemic amplified the experiences of the I-subject in the evolution from being a son/daughter to becoming a parent; and last but not least, the ability to transform an unexpected event into a creative opportunity.

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