Clinical Research and Empirical Research

Published: August 26, 2021
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In this article, the author intends to show how the integration between clinical research and empirical research can function according to the model of reciprocal disturbance between data and observations produced by two distinct knowledge systems. The author highlights how there is a strong influence of clinical research on hypotheses that are tested in empirical studies and the potential effect of empirical data on the clarification and focusing of fundamental issues for clinical practice and treatment success. Subsequently, the author discusses the enhancement of "good practices" compared to errors and important repudiation of factors that determine the outcome of therapies. Consequently, the author"s interest focuses on training courses with a perspective that favours an approach where the attention of the trainee clinician is balanced between observable "anchor points" (borrowed from research) and intuitive in-depth analyses and descriptive patterns derived from clinical experience that enrich psychoanalytic literature.

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