The Body and the Action of Narrating in Psychotherapy: Somatisation, Enactment and Consciousness Processes

Published: August 26, 2021
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In this work the author explores some recent theoretical-clinical developments in psychoanalysis rendered necessary by a real paradigm shift in the conception of the mindbody relationship. In particular, she highlights how these developments call for a different perspective in our approach to the debate concerning the role that implicit and non-verbal processes play in the flow of dialogue and the development of consciousness. The author"s voice is part of this debate. Referring to Wilma Bucci"s Multiple Code Model as an observation platform, the author proposes to extend the concept of clinical dialogue to the multiple ways of processing experience, verbal and non-verbal, including sensory experiences and somatisation. This perspective implies the need to revise the analytic method itself, extending the concept of exploration. The illustration of a case shows how clinical dialogue can be structured in the therapeutic process defined by the author as "somatic enactment", and how one can investigate it and understand it by expanding analytic technique in the direction of the proprioceptive and microanalytic exploration of bodily experience.

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Authorship & Conflicts of Interest

Discussione clinica

Amore, M. (2021). The Body and the Action of Narrating in Psychotherapy: Somatisation, Enactment and Consciousness Processes. Ricerca Psicoanalitica, 32(2).



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