Ricerca Psicoanalitica is a member of the Council of Editors of Psychoanalytic Journals and has been for over three decades the journal of relations in psychoanalysis in Italy.

Vol. 35 No. 1 (2024)
Published: 2024-04-10
eISSN 2037-7851
pISSN 1827-4625
Fabio Vanni
Associated Editors
Attà Negri
Laura Corbelli
Silvia Paola Papini
Laura Polito

About the Journal

Ricerca Psicoanalitica is a member of the Council of Editors of Psychoanalytic Journals and has been for over three decades the Journal of Relations in Psychoanalysis in Italy. Founded in 1990 by SIPRe, the Italian Society of Psychoanalysis of the Relationship, from its inception it promoted a space for reflection and debate much wider than its specific affiliation and capable of attracting contributors and readers from various areas interested in focusing on the subject-relation binomial, deriving from the awareness of the criticalities that had been emerging in psychoanalysis, but also convinced that psychoanalysis contains great potential for valuable reflections applicable also to contiguous fields of research and work. Epistemological, theoretical, methodological and technical reflections found in it a meaningful space for deployment and confrontation favored by a climate of freedom of thought, curiosity, and willingness to open up to new ideas. Little attention has always been paid to the theoretical and professional affiliations of contributors, provided they presented rigorous argumentations and valuable intersubjective confrontations on the relation, not only as an object of inquiry but also as a method and tool for theoretical and clinical research.

Ricerca Psicoanalitica therefore renews its invitation to the cultural and professional community to actively take part in this space for sharing in the construction of knowledge about relations and the human subject. Privileged partners will also be those authors who suggest innovative advances. Attention will also be dedicated to the non-clinical areas where relational knowledge can prove useful, such as those operational, professional, and cultural domains where its great potential can find the widest application.

Ricerca Psicoanalitica become completely Open Access in 2020 and has no APC fees.
Our journal is preserved on Portico, LOCKSS, and PKP PN.