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Found 63 items.
The appearance of angiolipomatosis after using laptop computer on the thighs: a relationship?
1179PDF: 637HTML: 492 -
Acitretin systemic and retinoic acid 0.1% cream suppression of basal cell carcinoma
5612PDF: 823HTML: 291 -
Metastatic basal cell carcinoma to the bone: a case of bone metastasis in uncommon sites
798PDF: 372Supplementary Table: 151HTML: 7 -
A case of human Dirofilaria repens in Rome, Italy: a clinical and radiological challenge
1583PDF: 367HTML: 10 -
Pyoderma gangrenosum developed from aggravated pemphigus foliaceous after dog bite
470PDF: 271HTML: 5