New cases of childhood leprosy in two male siblings in low endemic province: an iceberg phenomenon?

Published: 19 May 2023
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Children are the leprosy population most at risk; multibacillary infections are common. We reported pediatric cases with WHO-multibacillary lepromatous type morbus Hansen. We discovered several hypopigmented patches on the right upper arm, anesthesia-filled claw hands, and infiltrates in the ears in one 17- year-old child. In the other case (13-year-old), we discovered reduced sensory sensitivity in nearly every area of the body, infiltrates on the ear, and numerous irregular hypopigmented plaques on the belly, lumbar, and gluteus. Both patients had positive acidfast bacteria. After three months of treatment, multibacillary leprosy patients began to show improvement. Low socioeconomic and environmental conditions, as well as a history of intimate contact with leprosy patients, have been identified as risk factors.

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I Gusti Ayu Febi Risantari, Department of Dermatology and Venereology, West Nusa Tenggara General Hospital, Lombok


Hidajat, D., Risantari, I. G. A. F., & Affarah, W. S. (2023). New cases of childhood leprosy in two male siblings in low endemic province: an iceberg phenomenon?. Dermatology Reports, 15(4).


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