Hybristophilia: "cause mama I'm in love with a criminal"

Published: 29 December 2021
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  • Denise Pasquarelli Dottoressa Magistrale in Investigazione, Criminalità e Sicurezza Internazionale, Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma (UNINT), Italy.
  • Vincenzo M. Mastronardi Psichiatra, Criminologo Clinico, Docente di Teoria della Devianza e Criminogenesi, Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma (UNINT), Italy.
  • Monica Calderaro Grafologa forense, Criminologa, Dottore in Psicologia ad indirizzo clinico, Responsabile Didattico e Docente del Corso di Formazione in Grafologia Forense, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy.

The following study draws its analysis in the aftermath of opening a social fan page concerning a c recent criminal case where a married couple - Laura Perselli and Peter Neumair - was murdered by their son named Benno Neumair. After analysing the alleged Facebook fan page which supported and praised the young 31 years old confessed son, a necessity was outlined whether a scientific-technical term already existed that could define individuals" - especially women - tendency to be attracted towards violent criminals. Therefore, after addressing several peer-reviewed studies and in-depth analyses, a conclusive rationale has been outlined that an indicative term that addresses what has been above-mentioned exists, and it has been defined as Hybristophilia. Furthermore, the following dissertation herein proposed seeks to provide some answers to questions likewise the ones that follow: “Why are certain people so fascinated by these vicious criminals?"; "Is the following a phenomenon that applies only to the female gender or in good percentages even to their male counterparts?"; "How much influence do these criminals have on social media or the web?". 

Pasquarelli, D., Mastronardi, V. M., & Calderaro, M. (2021). Hybristophilia: "cause mama I’m in love with a criminal". Rivista Di Psicopatologia Forense, Medicina Legale, Criminologia, 26(1-2-3). https://doi.org/10.4081/psyco.2021.616



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