PAGEPress Publications <p>Our mission is <strong>Spreading Knowledge and Help to Define the Future of Publishing</strong>.</p> <p>The headlines with which we promote our work are both the starting point and the objective of our commitment to publishing. We firmly believe in the need to re-define current scientific publishing principles and aim to achieve this through the careful and innovative use of technology. The future that PAGEPress would like to see is one in which information is open to and available to everyone, and to help achieve this, every day PAGEPress offers a competitive, economically advantageous and highly professional service.</p> <p>Making research results available does not only mean taking an active part in the transmission of knowledge but also promoting knowledge as a stimulus for change.</p> <p>PAGEPress is part of a system in which quality and the authoritative opinion of experts are the basis of every conclusion reached; a road by which dealing with issues in a serious manner leads to progress. PAGEPress is committed to ensuring that these objectives are always safeguarded.</p> <p>All articles in our journals are published under a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License</a> (CC BY-NC 4.0).</p> en-US PAGEPress Publications Mappe Parassitologiche <p>Le mappe sanitarie sono sempre più utilizzate per mostrare la distribuzione spaziale di una malattia, nonché dei vari fattori ad essa correlati. La serie è dedicata alla illustrazione dei risultati di studi parassitologici territoriali, rappresentati da diverse tipologie di mappe parassitologiche. In campo epidemiologico le mappe sono un comune metodo per mostrare la distribuzione geografica (spaziale) di una malattia, nonché dei vari fattori ad essa correlati; acquisizioni utili per poi meglio pianificare ulteriori attivita` come indagini conoscitive o strategie di controllo. Le mappe possono essere disegnate su base demografica (o isodemografica) o su base geografica. Nel primo caso, sono realizzate in base alla popolazione e le informazioni epidemiologiche (ad esempio la morbilità e la mortalità), sono rappresentate in relazione alla dimensione della popolazione stessa. Le mappe su base geografica (quelle maggiormente utilizzate) sono disegnate seguendo la forma di un paese, di una regione o di una qualsiasi altra unità amministrativa e sono qualitative, se indicano solo la distribuzione senza specificare l’entità del fenomeno che rappresentano, o quantitative, se mostrano il numero di casi di una malattia, la dimensione della popolazione a rischio, la prevalenza, l’incidenza, etc.</p> mikimos mikimos Copyright (c) 2024 PAGEPress Publications 2024-09-10 2024-09-10 Natura <p><strong>NATURA</strong>, a monographic, scientific journal of popular scientific-naturalistic interest of <strong>SISN</strong> and the <em>Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano</em>, founded in 1909, presents from 2018 a new layout and a new format.</p> Copyright (c) 2024 PAGEPress Publications 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 Confinia Cephalalgica <p><strong>Confinia</strong> <strong>Cephalalgica</strong>, a peer-reviewed open access journal, focuses on publishing articles related to various aspects of headache medicine, including genetics, pathophysiology, diagnosis, imaging, management, epidemiology, pharmacology, and treatment. It covers both primary and secondary headaches, as well as other facial pains and their connections with systemic diseases. <strong>Confinia Cephalalgica</strong> highlights the historical context of scientific advancements in headache medicine, particularly the recent innovative investigations and their impact on migraine treatment. The journal aims to stay updated with rapidly evolving areas of medicine, such as digital health, gender medicine, and artificial intelligence, as applied to the field of headache medicine. The journal publishes quarterly issues containing various types of articles, including original and review articles, case reports, short communications, letters to the editor, and news items as "pros and cons" articles discussing controversial basic and clinical issues.</p> <p><strong>Confinia Cephalalgica</strong> is the official journal of the<em> Italian Society for the Study of Headaches </em>(SISC) with the overarching goal to serve as a forum for scientists and clinicians dedicated to headache medicine.</p> Copyright (c) 2024 PAGEPress Publications 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 Advancements in Health Research <p><strong>Advancements in Health Research</strong>&nbsp;(<em>#AHRjournal</em>) has the aim to become a world-leading medical journal, initially published on a quarterly basis. It accepts, with an open-access policy, studies by highly ranked scientists worldwide, providing scientific material to a large global audience, and aiming to have an impact on health. The publication of this journal was decided by the&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Paolo Procacci Foundation</strong></a>&nbsp;based on a large consensus experienced by the previous editorial initiatives of the Foundation. Our goal is to make science easily available to all those interested. The ambition of&nbsp;<em>#AHRjournal</em>&nbsp;is to serve and aid in a transformation of society, providing an improved and ethical approach to research on health, with a preferential focus on Pain Medicine and Quality of Life. We would be proud to publish papers that provide a crucial contribution to science and human health.&nbsp;<em>#AHRjournal</em>&nbsp;invites the submission of original content, as well as narrative reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses, which may contribute to advances in medical science and practice.</p> Copyright (c) 2024 PAGEPress Publications 2024-02-27 2024-02-27 Proceedings of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts <p>Proceedings of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (PEASA) is a biannual peer-reviewed journal of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, an authoritative source of high-impact, innovative research articles and concepts that broadly span into seven categories: Arts, Natural Sciences, Environmental and Technical Sciences, Medicine, World Religions, Social Sciences, Law &amp; Economics.</p> Copyright (c) 2024 PAGEPress Publications 2024-01-24 2024-01-24 Somali Journal of Science, Technology and Society <p>The initial aims of this initiative of launching, for the first time, the Somali Journal of Science, Technology and Society (SJSTS) as Online and Open Access Journal are as follows:</p> <ol> <li>Diffusion of all scientific and technical information and results in all field of Sciences and Technologies, with a defined approach of Responsible Research and Innovation.</li> <li>To provide publishing platform to Somali scientists, scholars and researchers in the Diaspora and the locals.</li> <li>To give Somali scholars and Somali Diaspora a chance to be part of the scientific community who assists and helps others in publication and review.</li> <li>To create channels for the promotion and publication of research papers about and from socially, economically, and culturally disadvantaged groups around the world.</li> <li>To build a network of Somali Universities, Research Institutions, scholars and researchers willing to increase the dissemination of Science, Technologies and Society, with the Responsible Research and Innovation and with the Science Diplomacy approaches.</li> </ol> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress Publications 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 Sahelian Journal of Responsible One Health <p>The <strong>Sahelian Journal of Responsible One Health</strong> (SJROH) is a bimonthly online journal specifically devoted to the Responsible One Health approach of public health in the Sahel region of Africa, whose editorials members are experts with excellent academic track record and expertise in Responsible One Health, and where the approach of ONE HEALTH (health in human, animal and environment) is conjugated with the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress Publications 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases <p>The Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases has been founded by Giuseppe Leone, Professor of Hematology at the Catholic University of Rome in 2009, with the collaboration of Prof. Eligio Pizzigallo, Infectivologist, and Luigi Maria Larocca, Pathologist.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress Publications 2023-11-08 2023-11-08 Mental Wellness Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress Publications 2023-08-08 2023-08-08 Global Cardiology <p>...</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress Publications 2023-06-09 2023-06-09 Istituto Lombardo - Accademia di Scienze e Lettere - Quaderni <p><strong>L’Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere</strong> è una realtà culturale radicata da più di 200 anni nella città e nel territorio lombardo. L’Istituto, sito a Milano nel quadrilatero di Brera, è innanzitutto sede di memoria, a partire dal prezioso patrimonio archivistico e librario che custodisce, ma anche vivace contesto di riferimento per la ricerca, l’alta formazione e la cultura in genere.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome <p><strong>Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome</strong>(RIPPPO) is an online, open-access, peer reviewed journal published by the <strong>Italian Area Group of the Society for Psychotherapy Research</strong> (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SPR Italy Area Group</a>). Its aim is to promoting a fruitful communication between the Italian and International communities, enriching clinicians and researchers mutual collaboration.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research <p>The Journal publishes original research papers concerning Arthopods, but reviews, editorials, technical reports, brief notes, conference proceeding, letters to the Editor, book reviews are also welcome.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Rivista di Psicopatologia Forense, Medicina Legale, Criminologia <p><strong>Rivista di Psicopatologia Forense, Medicina Legale, Criminologia</strong> was founded in the 60s under the direction of Prof. Franco Granone of the University of Turin, remembered as the first neuropsychiatrist who gave an academic and scientific body to clinical hypnosis with its "Hypnosis Treaty" published by UTET.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Journal of the Siena Academy of Sciences <p>The <strong>Journal of the Siena Academy of Sciences</strong> (formerly known as <em>"Atti della Accademia dei Fisiocritici in Siena. Sezione medico-fisica"</em> and <a href="[Jour]&amp;cmd=detailssearch" target="_blank" rel="noopener">available in <strong>Medline</strong> until 1968</a>) is published continuously since 1761 and it is in fact one of the oldest scientific journals in the world.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Translational Medicine Reports <p><strong>Translational Medicine Reports</strong> is a peer-reviewed international journal publishing articles in the field of molecular biology, biochemistry and nanotechnology applied to the treatment of chronic-degenerative diseases including diabetes, cancer, neurological, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Medical Education Development <p>-</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Veterinary Science Development <p><strong>Veterinary Science Development</strong> is an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal which covers all the scientific and technological aspects of veterinary sciences, including anatomy, parasitology, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, public health, infectious diseases, oncology, dermatology and alternative veterinary medicine.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Global Meteorology <p>.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease <p><strong>Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease</strong> is an international scientific journal of the <em>Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri</em>, Pavia, Italy, dedicated to the advancement of knowledge in all fields of cardiopulmonary medicine and rehabilitation.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress Publications 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Infectious Diseases and Herbal Medicine <p><strong>Infectious Diseases and Herbal Medicine</strong> (IDHM) is an international, Open Access, peer-reviewed, authoritative journal providing basic and applied research.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Ozone Therapy <p><strong>Ozone Therapy</strong> intends to be the accessible and innovative leading edge interdisciplinary journal for the ozone-therapy practitioners worldwide, by publishing in different languages to be easier referred to and by establishing its own source of scientific information.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Istituto Lombardo - Accademia di Scienze e Lettere - Parte Generale <p><strong>L’Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere</strong> è una realtà culturale radicata da più di 200 anni nella città e nel territorio lombardo. L’Istituto, sito a Milano nel quadrilatero di Brera, è innanzitutto sede di memoria, a partire dal prezioso patrimonio archivistico e librario che custodisce, ma anche vivace contesto di riferimento per la ricerca, l’alta formazione e la cultura in genere.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Qualitative Research in Medicine and Healthcare <p><strong>Qualitative Research in Medicine and Healthcare</strong> is an interdisciplinary and international forum for qualitative research in healthcare settings. The journal is conceived as a site for dialogues between researchers, academics, and healthcare practitioners; it allows an exchange between multiple parties in the health and social service professions, patients and clients as well as senior and junior researchers who believe in the ethos of qualitative approaches.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Journal of Agricultural Engineering <p>The <strong>Journal of Agricultural Engineering (JAE)</strong> covers a complete and interdisciplinary range of research topics in engineering for agriculture food, forestry and biosystems.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Ricerca Psicoanalitica <p><strong>Ricerca Psicoanalitica</strong> is a member of the <em>Council of Editors of Psychoanalytic Journals</em> and has been for over three decades the Journal of Relations in Psychoanalysis in Italy. Founded in 1990 by SIPRe, the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Italian Society of Psychoanalysis of the Relationship</a>, from its inception it promoted a space for reflection and debate much wider than its specific affiliation and capable of attracting contributors and readers from various areas interested in focusing on the subject-relation binomial, deriving from the awareness of the criticalities that had been emerging in psychoanalysis, but also convinced that psychoanalysis contains great potential for valuable reflections applicable also to contiguous fields of research and work.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Journal of Osseointegration <p>The aim of the<strong> Journal of Osseointegration</strong> in the Implant Dentistry field is to publish high quality contemporary, timely, innovative, interesting and clinically relevant information that will be used for improvement of the care of our patients</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 TeleMedicine International <p><strong>TeleMedicine International </strong>is an open access international peer reviewed journal aiming at investigating the actual significance of telemedicine, telehealth, medical informatics and clinical automation, their use and possible developments, the health technology assessment and the economic impact of digital health revolutions.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Malaria Reports <p>-</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Urogynaecologia International Journal <p>The journal publishes original articles dealing with the latest advances in the field of Urogynecology, as infections of the genito-urinary system, endometriosis, genito-urinary alterations in menopause, diagnostic protocols and medical-surgical treatment of urinary incontinence, pelvic static disorders, perineology, uro-gynecologic rehabilitation therapy, etc. Urogynaecologia wide spreading allows a valid knowledge sharing mean among scientists and scholars all over the world.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Geriatric Care <p><strong>Geriatric Care</strong> is the official journal of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SIGOT</a> (<em>Società Italiana di Geriatria Ospedale e Territorio</em>). It is an Open Access journal that seeks to publish high-quality, peer-reviewed manuscripts dealing with Geriatric Care in different settings including hospitals, residential services, nursing homes and home-care services for the elderly.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Microbiologia Medica <p><strong>Microbiologia Medica</strong> (MM) is the official publication of the Italian Association of Clinical Microbiologists (AMCLI). It publishes peer-reviewed papers that present basic and applied research relevant to therapy and diagnostics in the fields of: bacteriology, mycology, virology, parasitology, mycobacteriology, infectious diseases, chemotherapy, antimicrobial agents, immunology, autoimmunity and epidemiology.&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Scenario <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>SCENARIO<sup>®</sup></strong></a> is the official journal of Aniarti (Italian Association Critical Care Nurses - <a href=""></a>); its aim is to give impetus to the growth of nursing knowledge, in particular to topics related to the Critical Care Area. It is an international journal, whose contributions are subject to peer review. The language of publication is Italian but contributions in English are also accepted.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Human Origins Research <p>Human Origins Research is a quality Open Access international journal publishing research in the field of palaeoanthropology and related disciplines.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Open Journal of Archaeometry <p>-</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Istituto Lombardo - Accademia di Scienze e Lettere - Incontri di Studio <p><strong>L’Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere</strong> è una realtà culturale radicata da più di 200 anni nella città e nel territorio lombardo. L’Istituto, sito a Milano nel quadrilatero di Brera, è innanzitutto sede di memoria, a partire dal prezioso patrimonio archivistico e librario che custodisce, ma anche vivace contesto di riferimento per la ricerca, l’alta formazione e la cultura in genere.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Pre-clinical Research <p>Pre-clinical research publishes peer reviewed original research articles and reviews from the area of drug b in the pre-clinical phases i.e. from conceptualization to animal research.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Italian Journal of Food Safety <p>The <strong>Italian Journal of Food Safety (IJFS)</strong> is the official journal of the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Italian Association of Veterinary Food Hygienists (AIVI)</a>. The Journal addresses veterinary food hygienists, specialists in the food industry and other experts offering technical support and advice on food of animal origin.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Reumatismo - The Italian Journal of Rheumatology <p><strong>Reumatismo - The Italian Journal of Rheumatology</strong> is the Official Journal of the Italian Society of Rheumatology (SIR). It publishes Abstracts and Proceedings of Italian Congresses and original papers concerning rheumatology. Reumatismo is published quarterly and is sent free of charge to the Members of the SIR who regularly pay the annual fee. Those who are not Members of the SIR as well as Corporations and Institutions may also subscribe to the Journal.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Journal of Limnology <p>The <strong>Journal of Limnology</strong> publishes peer-reviewed original papers, review papers and notes about all aspects of limnology. The scope of the Journal of Limnology comprises the ecology, biology, microbiology, physics, and chemistry of freshwaters, including the impact of human activities, management and conservation.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Stem Cell Studies <p>-</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Journal of the American Academy of Regenerative Medicine <p>The <strong>Journal of the American Academy of Regenerative Medicine</strong> (JAARM) is the publication of the American Academy of Regenerative Medicine (AARM). JAARM provides an outlet for quality articles, perspectives, critical reviews, and comments that contribute to the scientific understanding of all aspects of regenerative medicine.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Trends in Evolutionary Biology <p>-</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Medicina e Morale <p><strong>Medicina e Morale. Rivista internazionale di Bioetica</strong>&nbsp;is a scientific bimonthly journal promoted by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC). The Journal publishes original articles on bioethics, moral philosophy, medical ethics, deontology, philosophy of law, and related disciplines, as well as case studies in which ethical dilemmas are relevant.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Wine Studies <p><strong>Wine Studies </strong>is a peer-reviewed, international multidisciplinary open-access Journal presenting and discussing new and significant researches related to the complex wine supply chain. The Journal will publish original research articles as its core material supplemented by reviews, editorials and point of views in a broad area of topics including: chemistry, biochemistry, sensory science, environmental impacts, by-products valorization, microbiology, production technologies, genetics, oenology, viticulture, medicine, public health, psychology, social sciences, economics and business.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Healthcare in Low-resource Settings <p><strong>Healthcare in Low-resource Settings</strong> is an open access, peer-reviewed journal which aims to publish high quality, outcome-based research conducted in or applicable to low-resource settings.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Nanotechnology Development <p>-</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Istituto Lombardo - Accademia di Scienze e Lettere - Rendiconti di Lettere <p><strong>L’Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere</strong> è una realtà culturale radicata da più di 200 anni nella città e nel territorio lombardo. L’Istituto, sito a Milano nel quadrilatero di Brera, è innanzitutto sede di memoria, a partire dal prezioso patrimonio archivistico e librario che custodisce, ma anche vivace contesto di riferimento per la ricerca, l’alta formazione e la cultura in genere.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 La Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica <p><strong>La Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica </strong>(Medical and Surgical Pediatrics) publishes original papers in the field of basic science, clinical and laboratory research pertinent to medical and surgical pediatrics.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Istituto Lombardo - Accademia di Scienze e Lettere - Incontri con l'Accademia <p><strong>L’Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere</strong> è una realtà culturale radicata da più di 200 anni nella città e nel territorio lombardo. L’Istituto, sito a Milano nel quadrilatero di Brera, è innanzitutto sede di memoria, a partire dal prezioso patrimonio archivistico e librario che custodisce, ma anche vivace contesto di riferimento per la ricerca, l’alta formazione e la cultura in genere.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Research in Geophysics <p><strong>Research in Geophysics</strong> is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, online-only journal publishing researches about Earth's internal structure, physical properties, processes and evolution. Manuscripts can be submitted in the following subjects: geodesy; seismology; geodynamics; tectonophysics; geomagnetism; paleomagnetism; mathematical geophysics; geophysical surveying; marine geosciences; rheology; volcanology; geological and geophysical engineering.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Journal of Biological Research <p>The <strong>Journal of Biological Research – Bollettino della&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale</a></strong>&nbsp;is an online-only peer-reviewed journal which welcomes papers dealing with any aspect of experimental biology.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia <p>The scientific journal <strong>Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia - Research in Ornithology (RIO)</strong> publishes original articles and short notes covering all major topics of ornithology twice yearly.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Journal of Peritoneum <p><strong>Journal of Peritoneum</strong> is no longer open to new submissions.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Teratology Studies <p>-</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 MAP Kinase <p><strong>MAP Kinase</strong> is an international, peer-reviewed online journal, publishing articles in all areas of biology and medicine relevant to mitogen activated protein kinases.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Veins and Lymphatics <p><strong>Veins and Lymphatics</strong>&nbsp;is an international, Open Access peer-reviewed journal which publishes scientific papers about venous and lymphatic diseases. Open issues and debates about epidemiology, anatomy, pathophysiology, etiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of vein and lymphatic diseases are constantly present in our project. A "transversal" vision of phlebology and lymphology is privileged, without preconception or barriers.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia <p>The<strong> Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia</strong> was founded in 1987 and is the official journal of the <em>Italian Society of Endodontics (SIE)</em>. It is a peer-reviewed journal publishing original articles on clinical research and/or clinical methodology, case reports related to Endodontics.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Microscopie <p><strong>Microscopie</strong>&nbsp;is the official organ of the <em>Italian Society for Microscopical Sciences</em> (SISM).&nbsp;The Journal&nbsp;was founded in 1954 and published until 2004 under the title "Microscopia Elettronica".</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Case Reports in Emergency Surgery and Trauma <p><strong>CREST (Case Reports in Emergency Surgery and Trauma)</strong>&nbsp;is an international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to expanding the quality of care in the scientific field of Acute Care Surgery &amp; Trauma (ACS&amp;T) by publishing articles reporting clinical cases on this study area.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Il Politico <p><strong>Il Politico</strong>, founded in 1950 by the political scientist and philosopher Bruno Leoni, aims at promoting knowledge on contemporary political systems and their interactions.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Optometry Reports <p>-</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Istituto Lombardo - Accademia di Scienze e Lettere - Memorie <p><strong>L’Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere</strong> è una realtà culturale radicata da più di 200 anni nella città e nel territorio lombardo. L’Istituto, sito a Milano nel quadrilatero di Brera, è innanzitutto sede di memoria, a partire dal prezioso patrimonio archivistico e librario che custodisce, ma anche vivace contesto di riferimento per la ricerca, l’alta formazione e la cultura in genere.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Pyramid Journal of Medicine <p>The <strong>Pyramid Journal of Medicine</strong> (PJM) is an online Open Access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal in the broad field of clinical and bio-medical sciences.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Italian Journal of Medicine <p>The <strong>Italian Journal of Medicine (ITJM)</strong> is the official journal of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">FADOI</a>, the Federation of Associations of Hospital Doctors on Internal Medicine and focus to describe the complex and variable situations confronted by Internists in daily practice.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Rheumatology Reports <p><strong>Rheumatology Reports</strong> is an international, open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing high quality papers about any rheumatological condition, musculoskeletal medicine and surgery.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation <p>.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Surgery in Geriatrics and Frailty <p><strong>Surgery in Geriatrics and Frailty</strong> is an open access, international journal publishing peer-revised original research, review articles, case report&amp;case series, letters and editorials related to surgical and acute care sciences in elderly and frails.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Laser Therapy <p><strong>Laser Therapy </strong>contains information not only for those involved in the field of lasers as medical doctors, but embraces all practicing clinicians including dentists, veterinarians and so on, basic and clinical researchers, students, all paramedical professionals and photo-optic engineers associated with any aspect of light and medicine. Contributions to <strong>Laser Therapy </strong>will allow you to proliferate your own new ideas, insights and study results to an international audience, and learn from the contribution of others.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Tropical Zoology <p><strong>Tropical Zoology</strong> is an international zoological journal publishing original papers in the field of systematics, biogeography, phylogeny, ecology and conservation of all terrestrial and aquatic animal Phyla from tropical and subtropical areas.&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Geospatial Health <p><strong>Geospatial Health</strong>&nbsp;is the Journal of the GIS Laboratory at the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production, Regional Center for Monitoring Parasitic Infections (CREMOPAR), University of Naples Federico II (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>).</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana <p>Le <strong>Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana</strong>, edite a partire dal 1922 con cadenza annuale, raccolgono monografie, articoli e revisioni di mole superiore.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Working Paper of Public Health <p>The <strong>Working Paper of Public Health</strong> (WP) series of the <em>Azienda Ospedaliera di Alessandria</em>, Italy, is an online and Open Access, progressive and multidisciplinary publication series in Public Health (ISSN: 2279-9761). It includes contributions from medicine and epidemiology, as well as contributions from health economics and management, ethics and law.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Hematology Meeting Reports (formerly Haematologica Reports) <p>Welcome to <strong>Hematology Meeting Reports</strong> website, the best source to find papers dealing with hematology published in Meetings or Congresses held within Europe. You can find here: Proceedings of Congresses - Sponsored papers - Guidelines and other items.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Natural History Sciences <p>The scientific journal <strong>Natural History Sciences (NHS)</strong> was founded in 2014 to publish original research in all fields of natural sciences. The journal was historically preceded by Atti della Società Geologica residente in Milano (1855), Atti della Società italiana di Scienze naturali (1859) and Atti della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale in Milano (1896) and continues their distinguished tradition.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Istituto Lombardo - Accademia di Scienze e Lettere - Rendiconti di Scienze <p><strong>L’Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere</strong> è una realtà culturale radicata da più di 200 anni nella città e nel territorio lombardo. L’Istituto, sito a Milano nel quadrilatero di Brera, è innanzitutto sede di memoria, a partire dal prezioso patrimonio archivistico e librario che custodisce, ma anche vivace contesto di riferimento per la ricerca, l’alta formazione e la cultura in genere.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Phycology International <p><strong>Phycology International</strong> is a new, online electronic journal covering all domains of phycology, including the contributions of phycological research to current and emerging issues in environmental, health and industrial sectors. Works on both eukaryotic algae and cyanobacteria fall within the scope of the journal.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-03-20 2023-03-20 Biomedical Science and Engineering <p><strong>Biomedical Science and Engineering</strong> is an Open Access, online-only, peer-reviewed journal focusing on the publication of original manuscripts and authoritative review and opinion papers dealing with the application of engineering and technology principles and a wide range of physical, biological and chemical sciences for the design of biomaterials, scaffolds, drug delivery vehicles and biomedical sensors for regenerative medicine applications. <strong>Biomedical Science and Engineering</strong> is relevant to areas such as tissue engineering, nanomedicine, in vitro tissue modeling, cancer diagnosis and therapy, implantable devices, drug delivery, bionanotechnology and diagnostic systems.</p> <p>This journal is fully Open Access, it has currently no submission fee and no article processing charge.&nbsp;All papers are immediately published as soon as they have been accepted, by adding them to the "current" volume's Table of Contents.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-19 2023-01-19 Earthquake and Volcano Research <p><strong>Earthquake and Volcano Research</strong> is no longer open to new submissions.<br>PAGEPress would like to thank the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Hugo Rodrigues, and the Editorial Board for all their efforts over the past years.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-19 2023-01-19 European Journal of Translational Myology <p>The <strong>European Journal of Translational Myology</strong> (formerly known as <em>Basic and Applied Myology</em>) is the European reference forum for Translational Myology. The <strong>European Journal of Translational Myology</strong>&nbsp;is a multifaceted journal studying myology from various perspectives: basic, cellular and molecular, genetic, clinical, and translational proper.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-19 2023-01-19 Dermatology Reports <p><strong>Dermatology Reports </strong>is the Official Journal of the <em>Italian Association of Hospital Dermatologists</em> (ADOI - Associazione Dermatologi-Venereologi Ospedalieri Italiani e della sanità pubblica) of the <em>Italian Melanoma Intergroup</em> (IMI) and of the SIDCO (<em>Società Italiana Dermatologia Chirurgica Oncologica, Correttiva ed Estetica</em>). Manuscripts dealing with research, biology, epidemiology, clinics of all skin-related diseases are welcome.<strong> Dermatology Reports</strong> publishes original&nbsp;articles, reviews, brief reports and case reports.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-19 2023-01-19 Entomologia <p>PAGEPress, together with the&nbsp;<em>Società Entomologica Italiana</em> and the&nbsp;<em>Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia</em>, has planned an internal reconstruction in order to focus more carefully on the development of its journals and to achieve a better resources management.</p> <p>Given the slow development of <strong>Entomologia</strong> starting from 1st January 2017 it won’t accept any further submission. Papers still in review will be processed and published in the current issue of the journal, and archived issues will always be available at this site.</p> <p>We would like to thank Editors, Authors and Reviewers for their commitment in shaping and promoting this publication.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-19 2023-01-19 Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana <p>Il "<strong>Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana</strong>”, edito a partire dal 1869, pubblica attualmente tre fascicoli annuali, in cui vengono inseriti articoli originali, monografie brevi, recensioni e notiziari.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-19 2023-01-19 Emergency Care Journal <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Emergency Care Journal </strong></a>is the official Journal of the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Academy of Emergency Medicine and Care</a> (AcEMC). The journal is an international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to improve the quality of care by publishing contributions on acute medical care and related medical specialties. The journal welcomes submissions from international contributors and researchers of all specialties involved in acute medical conditions. <strong>Emergency Care Journal</strong> publishes <em>Original Articles, Review Articles, Opinion Reports, Case Reports, Images in Emergency, Letters to the Editors, Commentaries, Book Reviews, Editorials</em> and other educational information related to the practice, teaching, and environment of emergency medicine. In addition to general topics, ECJ also publishes articles on out-of-hospital emergency medical services, pediatric emergency medicine, injury and disease prevention, health policy and ethics, disaster management, toxicology, and related topics. Although most of published research is clinical, there is also strong interest for basic science research pertinent to emergency medicine, thus including all clinical, diagnostics and therapeutic areas of medicine involved in the emergency care management.</p> <p>This journal does not apply charge for publication to Authors as it is fully supported by institutional funds (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Academy of Emergency Medicine and Care</a>).</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-19 2023-01-19 Fire Research <p><strong>Fire Research</strong> is an Open-Access journal publishing scholarly articles, surveys, and original contributions on the domain of fire science and engineering.&nbsp;Fire Research topics include, but are not limited to: fire dynamics, fire chemistry and physics, material properties at high temperatures, structural fire performance, measurement and test methods, fire detection and suppression, active/passive fire protection methods, human behavior in case of fire, organization and management of fire safety, decision analysis and operations research in fire problems, fire risk assessment methods, fire in industrial buildings and explosions, forensic investigation, wildland/urban interface fires, wildland fires.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-19 2023-01-19 BioMaterials Advances <p><strong>BioMaterials Advances</strong> is no longer open to new submissions. All papers that have been published will be permanently accessible under the terms of open access, at: <a href=""></a>.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-19 2023-01-19 Drugs and Therapy Studies <p><strong>Drugs and Therapy Studies</strong> is an online-only, international, Open Access peer-reviewed journal which publish research papers in all areas of preclinical and clinical pharmacology and therapies for human diseases from drug synthesis and/or discovery to advanced clinical trials It is also open to any human disease and not restricted to a particular pathology. Drugs and Therapy Studies publish original articles (short communication and full articles), reviews, mini-reviews, editorials, case reports, and letters to the editor, news and commentaries.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-19 2023-01-19 European Journal of Histochemistry <p>The <strong>European Journal of Histochemistry&nbsp;</strong>has been an influential cytology journal for over 60 years, publishing research articles on functional cytology and histology in animals and plants. The&nbsp;<strong>European Journal of Histochemistry&nbsp;</strong>offers original research articles investigating on structural and molecular components performed by histochemical and immunohistochemical methods, at light and electron microscopy, cytometry and imaging techniques.</p> <p>Areas of particular interest include cell differentiation, senescence and death, and cell-cell interactions in normal and pathological tissues; attention is also given to articles on newly developed or originally applied histochemical and microscopical techniques.</p> <p>Since its foundation in 1954,&nbsp;the <strong>European Journal of Histochemistry&nbsp;</strong>is the official organ of the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Italian Society of Histochemistry</strong></a> and, since 2022, of the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Italian Group for the Study of Neuromorphology</a> </strong>(G.I.S.N.).</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-19 2023-01-19 Chest Disease Reports <p><strong>Chest Disease Reports</strong>&nbsp;is a peer-reviewed international medical journal devoted entirely to the study, diagnosis, and treatment of all conditions of chest-related diseases. These include – but are not limited to –&nbsp; pulmonology, respiratory medicine, cardiology, thoracic surgery and transplantation, critical care, abdomen and chest disease, and sleep medicine. The primary intent of the Journal will be to rapidly publish clinically relevant information that will directly improve the care of patients. Basic science studies and experimental papers of interest to those treating disorders will also be considered for publication.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-19 2023-01-19 Endocrinology Studies <p>PAGEPress has planned an internal reconstruction in order to focus more carefully on the development of its journals and to achieve a better resources management.</p> <p>Given the slow development of <strong>Endocrinology Studies</strong> starting from 1st January 2014 it won’t accept any further submissions.<br>Papers still in review will be processed and published in the current issue of the journal, and archived issues will always be available at this site.<br>Moreover, articles will also be accessible through the <a href="">Portico</a> digital preservation service, our partner in keeping digital contents always available.</p> <p><br>We would like to thank Editors, Authors and Reviewers for their commitment in shaping and promoting this publication.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-19 2023-01-19 Annals of Clinical and Biomedical Research <p><strong>Annals of Clinical and Biomedical Research</strong> is the new Official Journal of the <em>Nigerian Medical Association Enugu State</em>. &nbsp;It will include both basic sciences and clinical medicine- internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, psychiatry and clinical psychology. The journal will also publish original articles, invited reviews, special thematic issues, case reports, conferences proceedings and aspects of clinical psychology which we may consider of interest for our readers.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-18 2023-01-18 Acetic Acid Bacteria <p><strong>Acetic Acid Bacteria</strong> is no longer open to new submissions. All papers that have been published will be permanently accessible under the terms of open access, both at: <a href=""></a> and via the Portico digital preservation service.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-18 2023-01-18 Alternative Medicine Studies <p><strong>Alternative Medicine Studies </strong>is an Open Access, online-only scientific journal about alternative medical systems including: Acupuncture; Anthroposophic medicine; Ayurveda; Chiropractic; Herbalism and Natural products; Homeopathy; Naturopathy; Osteopathy and Traditional medicines (e.g. Chinese-Tibetan).</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-18 2023-01-18 Bleeding, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology <p><strong>Bleeding, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology </strong>studies problems related to blood coagulation, fibrinolysis, hemostasis, physiopathology and therapy of hemorrhagic and thrombotic diseases. It encourages and promotes clinical and laboratory research on thrombosis and hemostasis, also through the institution of research awards and "travel grants" for young researchers to participate in Italian or international congresses. It develops and supports the organization of scientific congresses, conferences and educational courses on the themes of hemostasis and thrombosis, promoting the exchange of knowledge. It promotes, protects and disseminates the results of research carried out by its members, and raises awareness of these issues in the scientific world. It transfers and summarizes developments in international research in the field of hemostasis and thrombosis through the preparation of guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of thrombotic or hemorrhagic diseases, encouraging the application of scientific data to clinical practice.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-18 2023-01-18 Ageing Research <p><strong>Ageing Research</strong> is an international, online-only, Open Access, peer-reviewed journal, which publishes scientific papers on the latest advances in the research, diagnosis and treatment of all pathologies related to elderly patients. All manuscripts concerning geriatrics and gerontology are welcome. Ageing Research publishes original articles, reviews, brief reports and case reports.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-18 2023-01-18 Antiqua <p>PAGEPress has planned an internal reconstruction in order to focus more carefully on the development of its journals and to achieve a better resources management.<br>Given the slow development of <strong>Antiqua&nbsp;</strong>starting from 1st January 2014 it won’t accept any further submissions.<br>Papers still in review will be processed and published in the current issue of the journal, and archived issues will always be available at this site.<br>Moreover, articles will also be accessible through the&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Portico</a>&nbsp;digital preservation service, our partner in keeping digital contents always available.<br>We would like to thank Editors, Authors and Reviewers for their commitment in shaping and promoting this publication.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-18 2023-01-18 Acque Sotterranee <p><strong>Acque Sotterranee - <em>Italian Journal of Groundwater</em></strong> is one of the oldest European journals dealing with groundwater. Papers on today widespread subjects, such as groundwater remediation and ground source heat pumps, were already published back in 1984.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-18 2023-01-18 Annals of African Medical Research <p>The <strong>Annals of African Medical Research (AAMR)</strong> is a multidisciplinary medical journal published by the College of Medical Sciences, <em>Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi</em> Nigeria. AAMR is an open source, peer reviewed and international journal providing rich sources of high impact African medical research outputs and beyond.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-18 2023-01-18 Archives of Italian Urology and Andrology <p>The <strong>Archives of Italian Urology and Andrology</strong> publishes papers dealing with the urological, nephrological and andrological sciences. <em>Original Articles</em> on both clinical and research fields, <em>Reviews</em>, <em>Editorials</em>, <em>Case Reports</em>, <em>Abstracts </em>from papers published elsewhere, <em>Book Reviews</em>, <em>Congress Proceedings</em> can be published.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-18 2023-01-18 Astronomy Studies Development <h3>Ceased publication</h3> <p>PAGEPress has planned an internal reconstruction in order to focus more carefully on the development of its journals and to achieve a better resources management.</p> <p>Given the slow development of <strong>Astronomy Studies Development</strong> starting from 1st January 2014 it won’t accept any further submissions.<br>Papers still in review will be processed and published in the current issue of the journal, and archived issues will always be available at this site.<br>Moreover, articles will also be accessible through the <a href="">Portico</a> digital preservation service, our partner in keeping digital contents always available.</p> <p><br>We would like to thank Editors, Authors and Reviewers for their commitment in shaping and promoting this publication.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-18 2023-01-18 Advances in Oceanography and Limnology <p><strong>Advances in Oceanography and Limnology</strong>&nbsp;(<em>AIOL Journal</em>) is the official publication of the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Italian Association of Limnology and Oceanology</a> (A.I.O.L.).</p> <p>The <em>AIOL Journal </em>publishes original research articles and reviews on different topics and novel discoveries in the fields of limnology and oceanography. Papers may deal with different or single physical, chemical and biological aspects, including biomolecules, populations and communities, ecosystem functioning and interactions between global change and ecosystems. Environmental monitoring and studies of regional importance will be considered only if they contribute to the general advance of aquatic sciences. Multidisciplinary articles linking different scientific disciplines (e.g., community ecology and metabolomic/toxicology, ecology and phylogenetic, water quality and economy…) are equally considered. Particularly welcomed are studies focusing on marine and freshwater ecosystems.</p> <p>Two regular issues of the <strong>Advances in Oceanography and Limnology</strong> are published each year. In addition, Special Issues and Proceedings that focus on topics that are timely and of interest to a significant number of aquatic scientists are published. From 2010 to 2014, previous issues of the <em>AIOL Journal</em> have been published by&nbsp;<a href="">T&amp;F</a>.</p> <p>This journal does not apply charge for publication to Authors as it is supported by institutional funds.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 PAGEPress srl 2023-01-18 2023-01-18