PNEI in new parenting challenges. Oppositional children, Hikikomori, cyber-dependents and cutters
Full paper available on Franco Angeli Editore


Parenting styles, Oxytocin affiliation system, Dopamine gratification system, Glucocorticoid stress axis, Early life stress, Maladaptive parenting.

How to Cite

Lavista, F. (2024). PNEI in new parenting challenges. Oppositional children, Hikikomori, cyber-dependents and cutters. PNEI Review, 33(1). Retrieved from


With the new century, clinical conditions related to the historical context and strongly influenced by parental style become manifest in the developmental age. When investigating the genesis of these conditions, the molecular, neuroendocrine and behavioural levels must be borne in mind, starting with the links between the oxytocin affliction system, the dopamine gratification system and the glucocorticoid stress axis, in order to help identify key targets for prevention and intervention. Non-suicidal self-injury, oppositional defiant disorder, borderline personality disorder in comorbidity with internet addiction and Hikikomori profiling are examined. Many authors have explored the relationship between exposure to Early Life Stress, insecure attachment patterns and altered reward processing, which manifests itself in a spectrum of manifestations ranging from risk behaviour to depression. The extent to which maladaptive parenting is associated with emotional dysregulation is well known, therefore, providing families with a space for parenting support is tantamount to offering a prevention and treatment tool of fundamental importance.

Full paper available on Franco Angeli Editore