Evaluation of antioxidant and neuropharmacological properties of Leea aequata leaves

Submitted: 24 February 2024
Accepted: 17 May 2024
Published: 5 September 2024
Abstract Views: 223
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The Bangladeshi medicinal plant Leea aequata is utilized for many health ailments due to its phenolics and flavonoids; however, its bioactive qualities are unknown. An Ethanolic Extract of Leea aequata (EELA) was tested for antioxidant activity in a controlled lab study. It was also tested on rodents for feelings of depression and anxiety. Hole Board Test (HBT) and Elevated Plus Maze (EPM) assessed anxiolytic activity in intact mice. The Forced Swim Test (FST) and Tail Suspension Test (TST) assessed antidepressant action through immobility. DPPH scavenging, total phenolic, and total flavonoid assays assessed in vitro antioxidant capabilities. In the in vitro DPPH scavenging activity model, the half-Inhibition Concentration (IC50) of the plant sample for free radicals is 323.88 μg/mL, which is significant compared to that of ascorbic acid (759.03 μg/mL). The Total Phenol Content (TPC) of 25.78±3.75 Gallic Acid Equivalent (GAE) mg/g of dry extract and the Total Flavonoid Content (TFC) of 20.19 mg Catechin Equivalent (CAE) per gram of dry extract in the Leea aequata extract were found to be substantial. In the in vivo anxiolytic activity model, EELA showed substantial (p<0.01) anxiolytic efficacy at 400 mg/kg in the EPM test. The test extract's anxiolytic action is shown by the open arm's decreased entry at 400 mg/kg (81.33±13.96). Increased head dipping with strong anxiolytic effects at 400 mg/kg (27±4.04) (p<0.0001) was observed in HBT. In TST, EELA showed greater antidepressant effectiveness at 200 mg/kg (64.33±6.58). In the FST, EELA at 200 mg/kg had the strongest anti-depressant effect (p<0.0001) due to its short immobility period. These results suggest that L. aequata has antioxidant and neuropharmacological properties and is a major antioxidant source. According to considerable research, Leea aequata may reduce oxidative stress, anxiety, and depression.



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How to Cite

Hossain, M. R., Foysal, M. S., Naima, J., & Ibban, S. S. (2024). Evaluation of antioxidant and neuropharmacological properties of <i>Leea aequata</i> leaves. Infectious Diseases and Herbal Medicine, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.4081/idhm.2024.390

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