Design of a satisfaction survey aimed at Contract Research Organizations
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In the health research system, multiple actors are confronted daily with the common goal of promoting scientific development in the clinical field. The Clinical Trial Center of the Alessandria Hospital has as its vision to become an attractive center for clinical research and for this reason has decided to design a Satisfaction Survey to be sent to the main intermediary with the bodies that promote research: the Contract Research Organizations (CRO). The Survey consists of two distinct questionnaires: one to be sent cyclically to CROs and one dedicated to monitors following a monitoring visit. REDCap was used to send the Surveys and collect and analyze the results; a web-based software already in use at the Hospital. The data collected will refer to three thematic areas: the role of the recipient within the CRO, relations with the Hospital, and the degree of general satisfaction. The process of sending and collecting data also has the purpose of retaining CROs and consolidating a communication network, as well as being a useful tool for the formulation of quality indicators.
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