Anti-aflatoxin B1 effects of Shirazi thyme (Zataria multiflora) in broilers: evaluation of performance and liver histopathology

Submitted: 27 June 2015
Accepted: 5 August 2015
Published: 9 August 2016
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  • Omid Fani Makki Department of Animal Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand; Research and Development Office, Zarin Gostar Sarina Company, Khorasan Razavi, Kashmar, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
  • Arash Omidi Department of Animal Health Management, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
  • Hossein Ansari Nik Research Center of Special Domestic Animal, University of Zabol, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
  • Seyed Ahmad Hasheminejad University of Applied Science and Technology, Jahad Daneshgahi; Planning and Information Office, Zarin Gostar Sarina Company, Khorasan Razavi, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
  • Seyed Morteza Hosseini Senjedak Hazrat-e Abolfazl Hospital, Nursing and Midwifery School, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Kashmar, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
An experiment was conducted to study the effect of Zataria multifora (ZM) on the performance and liver histopathology of broiler chickens contaminated with aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). One hundred and sixty Ross 308 male broilers (one-day-old) were divided into four treatment groups with four replicates with 10 birds in each replicate. The chickens were reared on the floor for 35 days. The groups were contaminated with AFB1 at two different concentrations, i.e., 0 and 1000 ppb, and fed ZM in their feed at the concentrations of 0 and 20 gr Kg 1. The evaluated performance parameters were subjected to a completely randomized design with a 2×2 factorial arrangement of the treatments using SAS software (version 9/1). AFB1 had a statistical lowering effects on the feed intake, body weight, body weight gain and average weight of the carcass, thigh, chest, bursa of fabricius, back and neck. Also, the weights of liver, gizzard, pancreas, proventriculus, abdominal fat, full intestine, and heart were increased with AFB1 (P<0.05). In histopathological evaluations, the liver of chickens that received feed containing AFB1 showed multifocal and varied cytoplasmic vacuolization, severe fatty change, degenerating foci, fibrosis of the portal regions, and bile duct hyperplasia. The variables that were evaluated in this study showed that ZM had significant efficacy in diminishing the aflatoxins negative effects on the chickens.

Supporting Agencies

Fani Makki, O., Omidi, A., Ansari Nik, H., Hasheminejad, S. A., & Hosseini Senjedak, S. M. (2016). Anti-aflatoxin B1 effects of Shirazi thyme (Zataria multiflora) in broilers: evaluation of performance and liver histopathology. Veterinary Science Development, 6(1).


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