Effects of radiation pressure and earth’s oblatness on high altitude artificial satellite orbit

Submitted: August 8, 2010
Accepted: February 1, 2011
Published: March 18, 2011
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This paper is devoted to study the effects of radiation pressure together with tesseral and zonal harmonics on the high altitude artificial satellites orbits. The equations of motion were regularized by using the KS variables and the problem was solved numerically using the fourth order of Runge Kutta method. A numerical testing was performed on Lageos-1 satellite in order to analyze its orbital changes due to effects of both radiation pressure and Earth's oblateness.



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Supporting Agencies

national research institute of astronomy and geophysics
Mohamed N.S. Ismail, Al-Azhar University
astronomy department faculty of science Al- Azhar university

How to Cite

Khalil, K. I., & Ismail, M. N. (2011). Effects of radiation pressure and earth’s oblatness on high altitude artificial satellite orbit. Astronomy Studies Development, 1(1), e2. https://doi.org/10.4081/asd.2011.e2