
  • Ageing Research

    Ageing Research is an international, online-only, Open Access, peer-reviewed journal, which publishes scientific papers on the latest advances in the research, diagnosis and treatment of all pathologies related to elderly patients. All manuscripts concerning geriatrics and gerontology are welcome. Ageing Research publishes original articles, reviews, brief reports and case reports.

  • Alternative Medicine Studies

    Alternative Medicine Studies is an Open Access, online-only scientific journal about alternative medical systems including: Acupuncture; Anthroposophic medicine; Ayurveda; Chiropractic; Herbalism and Natural products; Homeopathy; Naturopathy; Osteopathy and Traditional medicines (e.g. Chinese-Tibetan).

  • Antiqua

    Antiqua is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal for archaeologists and scientists with a particular interest in the application of scientific techniques and methodologies to all areas of archaeology. Our journal publishes Original Research papers as well as Rapid Communications, Case Histories, Editorials, and Letters. The journal seeks to provide an international, dynamic forum for archaeologists to share their own knowledge.

  • Astronomy Studies Development

    The Veil Nebula [from Hubblesite]

    Astronomy Studies Development is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal publishing high quality, peer-reviewed, original manuscripts in all fields of astronomy and astrophysics, though with a particular focus on mathematical techniques and methodology and innovative ideas for instrumental development and modeling in astronomy and astrophysics. Our journal will include both full length research articles and letter articles, and its coverage extends over solar, stellar, galactic and extragalactic astronomy and astrophysics, and will report original research in all wavelength bands.

  • Dermatology Reports

    Dermatology Reports is the Official Journal of the Italian Association of Hospital Dermatologists (ADOI - Associazione Dermatologi-Venereologi Ospedalieri Italiani e della sanità pubblica) of the Italian Melanoma Intergroup (IMI) and of the Italian Society of Surgical Oncologic, Corrective and Aesthetic Dermatology (SIDCO - Società Italiana Dermatologia Chirurgica Oncologica, Correttiva ed Estetica).

    Manuscripts dealing with research, biology, epidemiology, clinics of all skin-related diseases are welcome. Dermatology Reports publishes original articles, reviews, brief reports and case reports.

  • Drugs and Therapy Studies

    Drugs and Therapy Studies is an online-only, international, Open Access peer-reviewed journal which publish research papers in all areas of preclinical and clinical pharmacology and therapies for human diseases from drug synthesis and/or discovery to advanced clinical trials It is also open to any human disease and not restricted to a particular pathology. Drugs and Therapy Studies publish original articles (short communication and full articles), reviews, mini-reviews, editorials, case reports, and letters to the editor, news and commentaries.

  • Global Meteorology

    Global Meteorology is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, online-only journal publishing researches related to physical meteorology, weather modification, satellite meteorology, radar meteorology, boundary layer processes, air pollution meteorology (including dispersion and chemical processes), agricultural and forest meteorology, and applied meteorological numerical models. The journal also covers applied climatology researches related to the use of climate information in decision-making, impact assessments, seasonal climate forecast applications and verification, climate risk and vulnerability, development of climate monitoring tools, urban and local climates, and climate outcome on environment and society.

  • Hematology Meeting Reports (formerly Haematologica Reports)

    Welcome to Hematology Meeting Reports website, the best source to find papers dealing with hematology published in Meetings or Congresses held within Europe. You can find here: Proceedings of Congresses - Sponsored papers - Guidelines and other items.

  • International Journal of Plant Biology

    Transfer notice

    The International Journal of Plant Biology is no longer published by PAGEPress Publications. The journal is continuing in cooperation with MDPI AG as of January 2022.

  • Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation

    Re-launch: Unlocking the future of the Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation

    After a brief standstill, we are thrilled to announce the re-launch of our long-standing journal—your trusted platform for cutting-edge research on nucleic acids in all their forms. As the scientific community places unprecedented focus on the critical roles of nucleic acids in Biology, Biochemistry, and Biophysics, our journal is proud to return with an expanded scope that captures the latest advancements in:

    • Gene Regulation & Epigenetics
    • Genome Integrity & Repair
    • Non-Coding RNAs
    • Bioinformatics & Translational Research
    • Pre-clinical and Clinical Applications

    These areas are at the forefront of current scientific discovery, fueling groundbreaking work in precision medicine, genomic stability, and biotechnological innovation. Our journal remains committed to supporting high-quality, pre-clinical and translational research, offering a dynamic platform for the dissemination of novel insights that bridge the gap between laboratory science and real-world impact.

    With a renewed vision and a focus on the rapidly evolving landscape of nucleic acid research, we invite you to contribute, engage, and be part of this exciting next chapter.


    The Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation (JNAI) is an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles, letters, protocols, and reviews on all aspects of nucleic acids pre-clinical and translational research. Manuscripts must fall into the following categories: Biology, Biochemistry, and Biophysics of Nucleic Acids, Bioinformatics, Gene regulation and Epigenetics, Genome integrity and repair, Non-coding RNAs, Translational research, Protocols.


  • Journal of the American Academy of Regenerative Medicine

    The Journal of the American Academy of Regenerative Medicine (JAARM) is the publication of the American Academy of Regenerative Medicine (AARM). JAARM provides an outlet for quality articles, perspectives, critical reviews, and comments that contribute to the scientific understanding of all aspects of regenerative medicine. JAARM is distinguished by its interdisciplinary nature and breadth, and will provide benefit not only to the members of the AARM, but to scientists and clinicians worldwide whose scientific and clinical interests are similar to those of the AARM. JAARM is a broad-spectrum, open-Access, online-only, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles concerned with all aspects of regenerative medicine. Its remit is to publish manuscripts that are regenerative medicine related and that are generally in keeping with the philosophy of American Academy and Board of Regenerative Medicine (AABRM). Such manuscripts may include: diagnosis and treatment; basic and clinical research; epidemiology; molecular, cell, and tissue biology; genetics; pathophysiology; epidemiology; tissue and bioengineering; clinical and translational insights; regenerative medicine policies and regulations; ethical issues; and technical or resource-based innovations. We will consider studies from any model that provides insights into regenerative medicine, whether human or veterinary. JAARM will serve, inter alia, as a foundation for scientific and medical advice across the broad spectrum of regenerative medicine. Integrated studies that bridge gaps between traditional scientific and medical disciplines, and economic, social, and public administration studies directly related to regenerative medicine are of importance. All works to be published in JAARM should demonstrate originality, a non-short-term significance of their underlying message, be of high quality, and present clear indication of their contribution with existing bodies of knowledge. JAARM publishes original articles, brief reports, reviews, and case reports describing novel results of significance in all areas of regenerative medicine. JAARM will strive for timely consideration and publication of quality material and will publish all manuscripts deemed of high standard and broad interest, to high technical standards of content, grammar, and style.

  • Mappe Parassitologiche

    Le mappe sanitarie sono sempre più utilizzate per mostrare la distribuzione spaziale di una malattia, nonché dei vari fattori ad essa correlati. La serie è dedicata alla illustrazione dei risultati di studi parassitologici territoriali, rappresentati da diverse tipologie di Mappe Parassitologiche. In campo epidemiologico le mappe sono un comune metodo per mostrare la distribuzione geografica (spaziale) di una malattia, nonché dei vari fattori ad essa correlati; acquisizioni utili per poi meglio pianificare ulteriori attivita` come indagini conoscitive o strategie di controllo. Le mappe possono essere disegnate su base demografica (o isodemografica) o su base geografica. Nel primo caso, sono realizzate in base alla popolazione e le informazioni epidemiologiche (ad esempio la morbilità e la mortalità), sono rappresentate in relazione alla dimensione della popolazione stessa. Le mappe su base geografica (quelle maggiormente utilizzate) sono disegnate seguendo la forma di un paese, di una regione o di una qualsiasi altra unità amministrativa e sono qualitative, se indicano solo la distribuzione senza specificare l’entità del fenomeno che rappresentano, o quantitative, se mostrano il numero di casi di una malattia, la dimensione della popolazione a rischio, la prevalenza, l’incidenza, etc.

  • Medical Education Development

    Medical Education Development is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal with a mission to disseminate new developments in the broad field of medical education so that they may be adopted and implemented in different settings. Medical Education Development targets a broad international audience of medical educators and others with an interest in medical education. This comprises, but is not limited to, medical school faculty members, faculty members of graduate medical programs, researchers in medical education, administrators of medical education programs, continuing medical education developers and providers, and hospitals, health systems, and other organizations with an interest in promoting quality improvement through education. The journal seeks to establish a niche in the area of detailed descriptions of educational innovations. Examples include new medical education technologies (e.g. simulation programs), innovative curricula, and new approaches to tackling existing problems in medical education. With few exceptions, we are not interested in the following: Descriptive studies of knowledge, attitudes, or practices of students, graduate trainees, or practicing physicians, papers which target health professionals outside the medical profession (e.g. nurses, social workers), papers which deal primarily with clinical or basic science topics but not with medical education.

  • Nanotechnology Development

    3D Sarfus image of a DNA biochip. [Source: Wikipedia]

    Nanotechnology Development is an international, multidisciplinary, Open Access, peer-reviewed, online-only journal seeking for papers of outstanding significance, ground-breaking discoveries in nanotechnology science available in both industrial and academic applications. Our journal publishes research and review articles, rapid communications and application studies across all disciplines in which nanotechnology can be applied, including biomedicine, engineering, optics, cosmetics, textiles, sustainability. Applied research into nano-materials, particles, nano-structures and fabrication, diagnostics and analytics, drug delivery and toxicology are welcome.

  • Open Journal of Archaeometry

    Announcement of closure

    Open Journal of Archaeometry is no longer open to new submissions. All papers that have been published will be permanently accessible under the terms of open access, both at: and via the Portico digital preservation service.

    PAGEPress would like to thank the past Editor-in-Chief, and the Editorial Board for all their efforts over the past years.

    Unfortunately, the number of authors in this field contributing to the journal was not as high as expected.

  • Pre-Clinical Research

    Pre-Clinical Research publishes peer-reviewed original research articles and reviews from the pre-clinical phases of drug discovery, i.e. from concept to animal research. The journal accepts articles from universities and research organizations and aims to provide a platform for young drug discovery researchers. This journal is open to the public and encourages readers to express themselves through letters to the editor.
    The editorial board members were chosen for their distinguished track record in preclinical drug discovery as well as their commitment to publishing high-quality work. In order to publish a standard journal, a keen, unbiased, and rapid process is established. The Pre-Clinical Research journal is free to readers, and the publisher has decided not to charge authors either.

  • Research in Geophysics

    Research in Geophysics is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, online-only journal publishing researches about Earth's internal structure, physical properties, processes and evolution. Manuscripts can be submitted in the following subjects: geodesy; seismology; geodynamics; tectonophysics; geomagnetism; paleomagnetism; mathematical geophysics; geophysical surveying; marine geosciences; rheology; volcanology; geological and geophysical engineering.

  • Rheumatology Reports

    Rheumatology Reports is an international, open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing high quality papers about any rheumatological condition, musculoskeletal medicine and surgery. The journal welcomes papers on clinical, translational or basic research (in humans and in experimental model systems) that improve rheumatology clinical practice or enhance current understanding of rheumatic disease mechanisms. Rheumatology Reports aims to provide rapid publication of accepted papers and to give accurate scientific feed-back to all submissions by experts in the field.

  • Stem Cell Studies

    Stem Cell Studies is a peer-reviewed, Open Access, online-only journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of the study of stem cells and their potential therapeutic applications.

  • Surgical Techniques Development

    Transfer notice

    Surgical Techniques Development is no longer published by PAGEPress Publications. The journal is continuing in cooperation with MDPI AG as of January 2022.

  • Trends in Evolutionary Biology

    Announcement of closure

    Trends in Evolutionary Biology is no longer open to new submissions. All papers that have been published will be permanently accessible under the terms of open access, at:

    PAGEPress would like to thank the past Editor-in-Chief, and the Editorial Board for all their efforts over the past years.

    Unfortunately, the number of authors in this field contributing to the journal was not as high as expected.

  • Veterinary Science Development

    Veterinary Science Development is an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal which covers all the scientific and technological aspects of veterinary sciences, including anatomy, parasitology, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, public health, infectious diseases, oncology, dermatology and alternative veterinary medicine.

    "Combine the passion for veterinary medicine with the growing demand for open access publishing by support an advance scientific journal specifically focused on veterinary research. This unique scientific idea will provide a platform for veterinarians and researchers to share their findings openly, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field while promoting accessibility and collaboration. By leveraging your expertise in veterinary medicine, you can curate and publish high-quality scientific articles that can make a significant impact on the industry."


    Welcome message from the new Editor-in-Chief

    Dear colleagues, I am honored to be with you in my role as Editor-in-Chief of Veterinary Science Development. I hope that with the help of all the distinguished members of the Editorial Board, present and future authors of the journal, we can contribute to highlighting the achievements of modern veterinary medicine and be useful to veterinary practitioners and researchers around the world. In today's world, knowledge and information have no boundaries and I sincerely hope that we can cope with this noble goal of advancing veterinary science!

    Vladislav E. Sobolev

  • Working Paper of Public Health

    The Working Paper of Public Health (WP) is an online and Open Access journal of the Azienda Ospedaliero - Universitaria di Alessandria, Italy, dedicated to progressive and multidisciplinary publication in Public Health (ISSN: 2279-9761). It includes contributions from medicine and epidemiology, as well as contributions from health economics and management, ethics and law. It covers everything that can protect and improve the health of the community through the promotion of healthy lifestyles, as well as the prevention of disease and infection, and the improvement of care (both medical and nursing) and patient care. Therefore, the scientific objective is to improve the health status of individuals and/or patients, both through the prevention of what could affect it and through medical and/or nursing care aimed at restoring it. The published articles engage only the authors, the opinions expressed do not imply any responsibility by the Hospital "SS. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo" of Alessandria.