Novel use of Prolene suture for duct delineation during microductectomy

Published: August 31, 2011
Abstract Views: 925
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  • Shiva Dindyal Department of General and Breast Surgery, The Whittington, Royal Free and University College Hospitals, London, United Kingdom.
  • Jayant Sharad Vaidya Department of General and Breast Surgery, The Whittington, Royal Free and University College Hospitals, London, United Kingdom.
Classically, microductectomy is performed using a probe inserted via the offending duct to delineate and identify the responsible duct. We propose the use of a 1-0 Prolene (Polypropene blue monofilament nonabsorbable) suture to cannulate the relevant duct.

Supporting Agencies


Dindyal, S., & Vaidya, J. S. (2011). Novel use of Prolene suture for duct delineation during microductectomy. Surgical Techniques Development, 1(1), e11.


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