Unilateral linear syringoma in a Japanese female: dermoscopic differentiation from lichen planus linearis

Submitted: 1 July 2011
Accepted: 9 August 2011
Published: 5 October 2011
Abstract Views: 1706
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  • Yuka Hayashi Departments of Dermatology, Tokyo Women’s Medical University Medical Center East, Japan.
  • Masaru Tanaka Departments of Dermatology, Tokyo Women’s Medical University Medical Center East, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Shizuka Nakajima Departments of Dermatology, Tokyo Women’s Medical University Medical Center East, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Masahiko Ozeki Departments of Dermatology, Tokyo Women’s Medical University Medical Center East, Tokyo, .
  • Takayuki Inoue Departments of Dermatology, Tokyo Women’s Medical University Medical Center East, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Sumiko Ishizaki Departments of Dermatology, Tokyo Women’s Medical University Medical Center East, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Mariko Fujibayashi Departments of Pathology, Tokyo Women’s Medical University Medical Center East, Tokyo, Japan.
A dermoscopy of linear unilateral syringoma has never been described in the English literature. The authors report the case to elucidate the dermoscopic features of syringoma. Clinical, dermoscopic and pathological features of a 38-year-old Japanese female case of linear unilateral syringoma on the left upper arm were described and compared with those of lichen planus linearis. Although the clinical appearance of linearly arranged dusky erythemas in the present case was quite similar to that of lichen planus linearis, dermoscopy did not show Wickham's striae but rather homogeneous light brown pigmentation with multifocal whitish areas and a delicate pigment network at the periphery. Dermoscopy might be helpful to differentiate linear unilateral syringoma from lichen planus linearis.

Supporting Agencies

Hayashi, Y., Tanaka, M., Nakajima, S., Ozeki, M., Inoue, T., Ishizaki, S., & Fujibayashi, M. (2011). Unilateral linear syringoma in a Japanese female: dermoscopic differentiation from lichen planus linearis. Dermatology Reports, 3(3), e42. https://doi.org/10.4081/dr.2011.e42


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